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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Clothing and jewelry in Islam

Islam permits to every Muslim, even asked that the motion good, beautiful and life is seen regularly with neatly to enjoy the jewelry and clothing that has created God.

The purpose of clothing in the view of Islam there are two kinds, namely, to cover the genitals and decorated. This is a gift of God to all mankind, in which God has provided clothing and jewelry, would they want to organize themselves.

Then God said s.w.t.:

"O children of Adam! Truly we have sent down to you clothing to cover the aurat-auratmu and for jewelry." (Al-A'raf: 26)

Whoever ignores one of the two cases above, the dress to cover the genitalia or ornate, it is actually the person has deviated from Islamic teachings and follow in the footsteps devil. This is the secret of two calls that proclaimed God to mankind, after God's call echoes the former, in which the two call it God forbid harsh to them naked and do not want to ornate, the fact they were only following in the footsteps mere devil.

For this reason Allah says:

"O children of Adam! Do not until you can be deceived by the devil, as they have to spend your parents (Adam and Eve) out of heaven, they can take off her clothes so that your parents looked both his private parts." (Al-A'raf: 27)

"O children of Adam! Wear perhiasanmu in each and every mosque and eat and drink but do not be extravagant (extravagant)." (Al-A'raf: 31)

Islam requires every Muslim to be close to the genitalia, in which every human being cultured in accordance with nature will be embarrassed if his private parts were open. So with, thus looks different from animals that naked man.

Islam's call to close the aurat is valid for every man, although he was alone isolated from society, so that it is a courtesy that kesopanannya animated by religious and moral high ground.

Bahaz son of Judge of the father of datuknya tell, said datuknya it:

"Yes, Messenger of Allah! Aurat us for what we should wear, and what should we leave? Replied the Prophet." Auratmu Keep it except for your wife or servants sahayamu. " I asked again: 'Yes, Messenger of Allah! What if a people that interact with one another? " The Prophet replied, 'If you can so that no one ever saw it, then let him see. " I asked again: 'Why do not we alone? " The Prophet replied, 'God tabaraka wa Ta'ala, is more entitled to (someone) embarrassed him. " (Reported by Ahmad, Abu Daud, Tarmizi, Ibn Majah, Hakim and Bayhaqi)

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