
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tolonglah Wikipedia

Hallo para pengguna internet pengunjung ada suatu hal yang membutuhkan pertolongan kita, Wikipedia, sebuah situs ensiklopedia yang tidak komersil, sedang membutuhkan uluran tangan kita. Saya hanya bisa menyumbang sedikit, tapi
bila anda juga bisa menyumbang sedikit untuk wikipedia, pasti itu sangat membantu. Berikut email dari wikipedia kepada saya:

Dear Hafid,
To keep Wikipedia ad-free, we ask for donations every year on the site. We're sending you this email because we are scaling up our infrastructure this year, and we're simply not able to raise the whole budget from the banners alone. 
We now have an easy way to make an automatic monthly donation to Wikipedia, and we're looking for people who would like to become sustainers. (Of course you can make a one-time donation as well.) 
Please make a monthly recurring gift of $3, $7, $13 -- or whatever you can.
Most people don't know this but, I'm just a volunteer.
I don't get paid a cent for my work at Wikipedia, and neither do our thousands of other volunteer authors and editors. When I founded Wikipedia, I could have made it into a for-profit company with advertising banners, but I decided to do something different.
Commerce is fine. Advertising is not evil. But it doesn't belong here. Not in Wikipedia.
Wikipedia is something special. It is like a library or a public park. It is like a temple for the mind. It is a place we can all go to think, to learn, to share our knowledge with others. It is a unique human project, the first of its kind in history. It is a humanitarian project to bring a free encyclopedia to every single person on the planet.
Every single person.
If all of Wikipedia's 400 million users would donate $1 each, we would have 20 times the amount of money we need. We're a small organization, and I've worked hard over the years to keep us lean and tight. We fulfill our mission, and leave waste to others.
To do this without resorting to advertising, we need you. It is you who keep this dream alive. It is you who have created Wikipedia. It is you who believe that a place of calm reflection and learning is worth having.
This year, please consider making a sustaining monthly donation of whatever amount you like to protect and sustain Wikipedia.
Jimmy Wales 
Wikipedia Founder
Wikimedia Foundation
P.O. Box 894879
Los Angeles, California 90189-4879
United States

Bagaimana cara anda menyumbang? kunjungi saja dan akan ada gambar besar di situ, permintaan pribadi pendiri wikipedia


  1. wah, Wikipedia membutuhkan biaya utk kelangsungannya ?
    tentu saja kita semua sebagai pemanfaat dr wikipedia bersedia membantu seadanya , yg penting ikhlas, krn wikipedia benar2 sangat berguna utk mencari berbagai macam referensi ........

    mau segera meluncur ke situs tsb.

  2. @bunda makasih bunda, sebarkan juga kampanye ini untuk teman-teman bunda. Bagaimanapun juga kitalah komunitas itu

  3. oh wikipedia itu g komersil toh?

    bru tahu saya

  4. @choirul masak batu tau? kan dia ga ngejual sesuatu dan tidak beriklan apa-apa. itu tandanya ga komersil kan?

  5. Tentu saja bantu pendanaan lah, ^_^ atau bantu kampanye pendanaan

  6. om mau bertanya, punya rekomendasi membeli utk verifikasi VVC ? Thx.

  7. @ adetruba beli di mbak dewi palupi aq pak, pengalaman saya beli di dia, dan berhasil verifikasi paypal saya sampai sekarang, alhamdulillah ^_^

  8. koment yg komik naruto kok ditutup? :D

  9. @cucuharis enggak tuh mas, tak coba ya tetep bisa gitu ^_^

  10. seandainya akun pp ku bisa kebuka, pasti sudah tak bantu kau wiki, karena kau telah menyumbang banyak ilmu padaku.. Halah malah curhat..

    Met pagi ja mas n lam kenal..

  11. @kucrit, wah kenapa dg aku paypalnya? diblokir? dulu saya juga pernah diblokir, lalu terus komunikasi lewat email dengan paypal dan akhirnya terverifikasi ^_^
